Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Touch Screen

What I gained and propose for the future. Its once again very open ended. Its a Idea of viewing old mediums on new surfaces. I learned a new system to construct this as well as got into the metal shop to build something tangible. We spent $2 on this entire project. (for tape)


My process and documentation of a semester long project. A series of books dealing with product design and the progress of technology that has an affect on sustainability. Its open ended and has room to expand.


I didn't get a chance to present my 2nd audio report so here it is.
Its cheesy, but I did do it.

It is inspired by the election and the song bites are taken from real-live young voters and then I mixed it.



Pdf of Utopia Project.

teaching aid

A visual teaching aid to expose issues addressed by eco-labels and the misleading information that can occur through greenwashing.
This is  very interesting read.  Daryl Hannah's car is an 83' or 84' el camino that runs on biodeisel, meaning no petroleum.  This is an interesting jump start to my previous post, and it's just fun to read about

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sustainability: A staple of society + culture

Over the last several weeks I’ve had the opportunity to study, learn and grow with the knowledge of how sustainable living can rebuild our culture. I’ve spent my days in this course applying it to our systems, and mostly proving its power within what one would call the ‘social’ category. Beyond this, I’ve decided that the best way to make something social and allow it to catch on is to integrate it at a very young age, and let it become part of life. My contribution to the sustainable world is an education system that thrives off of technology that teaches and entertains. “The Green Avengers” is an interactive classroom that donates food for every correct answer or point won by a child in an online learning game. But now that I’ve seen where connections can be made and allow us to grow, where will I take my knowledge and become part of our future?
I’ve recently discovered the business side of the sustainable world, and I want to be a part of it. I do see several flaws though, this sustainable world is growing the same way the polluted and dying world did, business first; creativity further down the road. That needs to change. I am a creative mind, and while I see the necessity of business and economic management in a new or changing system, I see much more success in one that thrives with creative, sassy, cultural thinking.
I’m a writer, advertiser, idea-maker, and all-around visual person as well. I need to find a place in this world where greener living is made to be ‘sexy’ and part of the American nostalgia and personality. And there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be able to. Right now, sustainability is seen as a personal choice made by a certain kind of person. That’s not right in my eyes, because no persona is the same so everyone in the world should not be expected to respond to the same message. Take cars for example, we have the Prius. This is a clean, simple, dull, safe, dorky, future-looking pod. It runs beautifully, keeps our world a little cleaner, and it’s boring as shit. How can people who love the danger and roar of a bouncing, adventurous vehicle be expected to buy off on this image? They can’t be, and this is where the message sent by sustainable living must change. It can’t just be for tree-hugging protestors. Sustainability needs to come to a place where every persona can buy-off on it and think about it in every aspect of their life. Because sustainability needs to be seen as something that the world cannot possibly function without. I’m going to say it right here and now. Three of my all time favorite cars are the1999 Humvee 2-door pick-up, the 1970 Dodge Challenger, and the 1967 Shelby Mustang GT 500(Cobra optional). Why? No it is not because I have a desire to eliminate the planet. It’s because they embody the culture of sweet style, sexiness, design, and thrill that drive the passions of American entertainment. Do I wish to whomever that those beautiful, gleaming chariots of boldness emitted oxygen rather than toxins and other junky crap, of course. My goal is to take this image of excitement and lively-hood to a place where it cannot be imagined without a build that replenishes everything we know and use in this world. We’re not there yet, but this is the problem we face. Save the world, and save the intangible world of godliness-through-personality that we love. It’s not out of reach, it’s just not loved by the small group of people driving the technology that is beginning to save our world.
Appeal to this audience, and the lagging part of the world will follow, our capitalist economy could replenish itself in new innovative ways, and a huge part of our culture doesn’t need to be sacrificed.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bend This

This weeks music project overview/process/how to.
I will hopefully get this working and have some samples posted by next week

Interactive Refugee Camp

Refugee Camp

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Farming report 10

Population Info Booklet

A growing number of chemists are now developing biodegradable plastics in replace of those that are made by oil. Right now, bio plastics are being made from corn and other plants, more recently than others, additions of cotton.

Besides reducing greenhouse gas emissions during production, biodegradable plastics leave no waste, and can “maximize economic development by using local crops”, according to Susan Moran of the New York Times.

In the past few years, plastic forks and other disposable utensils have been made out of bio plastic, but companies are beginning to use bio plastic in non disposable products like cell phones, including the Japanese companies NEC Corporation, Unitika. and NTT DoCoMo.

As of right now, the largest producer of bio plastic is NatureWorks, based in Nebraska. It uses corn sugar to make “polylactide”. Polylactide comes in the a white pellet form, which NatureWorks sends to other companies, who then mold the bio plastic into products or packaging.

Metabolix, based in Massachusetts, is another company that produces a bio plastic. Metabolix specializes in films, specifically used in creating garbage and shopping bags. According to Metabolix, their bio plastic composts in fewer than 90 days, in a wide variety of temperatures and places, including a consumer’s back yard, or “even the ocean itself”. By creating a bio plastic that is compostable under a larger variety of circumstances, littered bio plastic, specifically the type that Metabolix produces, has a higher chance of composting even when un-intended by a consumer.

Metabolix, like NatureWorks, produces bio plastic, and then sells it in a standard form which is then molded by the purchasing company. According to the Metabolix website, their product is “Biobased, Sustainable, and Biodegradable”, meaning the “mirel”, a specific form of bio plastic is formed from all natural materials, leaves no carbon footprint, and decomposes within a relatively short amount of time.

While bio plastics are still relatively new, chemists are coming up with more efficient forms. One of the main problems with bio plastics is that when used to package food products, the food product’s shelf life becomes much shorter. Chemists are trying to find a balance between bio plastics that decompose under a large variety of situations (intended or unintended) and last long enough to keep food fresh when packaged, one of the leading uses of regular plastics.

Though not perfect, new forms of bio plastic are emerging from a large amount of chemists, hopefully meaning that we will soon have a more perfected form of bio plastic, eliminating waste and carbon emissions.

The Growing Green Classroom

Green Avengers

Okay so here’s the plan… It’s an interactive classroom where it really doesn’t change the classroom structure at all! In fact the best part is that the Green Avengers program takes the normal computer lab skills of any elementary school, and makes the normal type skill teaching also focused around learning life habits.

The idea has already been started, but it has no personality, to my knowledge. We need to give it unifying spunk! We need to build the creativity into our school systems to get children engaged, and then take a lesson from the advertising industry on what it means to brand cultural habits in the form of education, starting from the youngest form. This program is similar to DARE, only it’s more interactive, and it’s never separate from the normal lessons, as stated above. Take the time to read through this into script for the Green Avengers to see the fun, excitement, and education that all of our wonderful technology has the power to instill.

Beyond this fun point, take the time to see were the interactive ‘green’ classroom has already begun, by visiting this interesting read…



1. Recycling and “What are Resources”
Teach kids the power of the environment by showing them what’s in it. Then explain how we use everything as a culture, and how we waste as a culture.

2. Water: One brush can waste to much!
This lesson is all about taking kids through a visual household to have them practice how to use water properly (IE turn it off when not using it), so they can share more eagerly with their parents.

The entire point of these lessons, after instilling behaviors, is that parents are more influenced by their children than by many other things. This is a chance to connect with adults in a “re-learning’ part of their life as well.

GREEN AVENGERS...INTRO...script style

Green Avengers….Intro

Billions of years ago our planet was born, booming, and creating life!

SND EFX: (Explosions)

There were booms! Bangs! And quite a bit of gas

SND EFX: (fart)

and algae!

All of this booming and banging began creating crea-tures!


Creatures became other animals, and our trees and resources were eaten…
Like Broccolli!

Later down, the soon-to-be turnpike!

SND EFX: (Vrooming noises during)

Humans made fires! Without Marshmellows!

SND EFX: (Screaming noise)

Fire began sort-of eating the air!

Then humans kept building and building

“Hey Roy! I need some freakin’ beams down here…yeah…freakin beams.”

Today, humans have made wonderful technology…like….
Computers! And medicines! And… Chia pets!

We’ve just been going about it the wrong way!

A special force unlike any other, has formed to save our big, glob-y
looking home!

We call ourselves,…(dramatic pause)… THE GREEN AVENGERS!

We are little people!

With big ideas!

Together we will save the ‘barnicles’ out of our pretty planet!


The GREEN AVENGERS: Every kid! One Mission! One Future!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Learning Kit.

Here is my learning kit for this week. It shows some insight to a design companies ideation and process behind design. They are also hiring, so I used them for another class in writing a resume and cover letter on a place I have interest in interning at. 

Sustainability through education

“Alright class, go to your LEAGUE GREEN, and click on game 2.”

The classroom of the future is already based heavily in computer education in addition to traditional methods. LEAGUE GREEN is meant to be the new version of DARE. DARE is a mandatory program that teaches children about drugs. LEAGUE GREEN is a school program that teaches kids about living sustainably, and its affect on the world. Along with the learning units, it’s important to have art and design lessons that integrate GREEN as a fashionable aesthetic in children’s lives. This is mainly due to social influences dominating a large part of social development at younger ages.

Lesson |

GREEN HOUSE: Visual navigation games for ages 5-7 and trivia questions for 8-10.
1. How to separate recycling
2. How to reuse water
3. Remember to turn off water when: brushing teeth, washing hands, etc.

combining technology and teaching to get kids outside


 The idea is to bring children back into the wilderness through the use of technology. Children of this generation are fascinated with technology, the idea is to harness this fascination and partner it with exploration and a positive learning experience in nature. Similar to Geo-caching my idea is to combine cameras and GPS units to facilitate learning specific animals and plants of the region.

We will do this by publishing a series of pamphlets each with a specific species hunt. Each pamphlet will have illustrations and information on a variety of birds, plants and insects native to the area.  Each page will focus on a specific species and have a check box and space for GPS location for when each page is completed.

Like the drawing below each page will have a detailed drawing of some part of the species being looked for. But the item being looked for might not necessarily be in the drawing. For example the page below shows a drawing of a Bur Oak leaf and bark of a Bur Oak tree. The search could be specifically for the Bur Oak acorn, which does not have a drawing but only a description to guide the trekker, once he has found a tree. This encourages exploring, problem solving and observation of the person’s surroundings. 

The pamphlets will ultimately be available online through state parks and private facilities websites, as well as on location. When the species is found the person hunting for it will mark down the GPS coordinates where it was found. If they are trying to get to the next level, more proof is necessary. The trekking will snap a picture of the object with the coordinates showing.

(Illustrations will be up soon)


Infrastructure/ Technology

            Most state parks, including most of Minnesota State Parks have GPS systems available for free rental for the day, upon providing a drivers license and filling out a form. These GPS systems are available for Geo-caching, which is already set up within the State park system. The cameras could be disposable, or use the same rental system as the GPS units. Many less cameras would be needed because they are a much more common accessory, but it is important to have a free option in order to not single out any financial group. 

           For facilities where buying either disposable cameras, or buying digital cameras to rent out with the GPS units are not financially possible this section can be replaced with journals in which the GPS location would be taken down with a drawing of the found species by the people.


The Audience

This idea can be used for families, children, adults, summer camps, nature classes. There will be a variety of different levels meant for targeting different ages and interests, but also as a sort of ladder for the trekker(s) to climb as they become more experienced. This idea could altered small amounts to fit, a classroom setting having these treks on a smaller scale, using nature journals and written descriptions instead of  GPS units and cameras. 



Monday, October 27, 2008


The mission is to create a GREEN education program that holds the same urgency as DARE.  Beyond that, just about every cartoon network has an online game realm.  LEAGUE GREEN should be a TV network game hub as well.  This is a place where Kids could select games to play from every network, and play them with their homework games.  Kids would be shown how to access this game, and put it on their computers while in the LEAGUE GREEN class.